ABOUT the COACHING process

Why try coaching?

Coaching is a dynamic process focused on the present moment. Being here today, coaching serves as a catalyst for recognising your goals and equipping you with the necessary tools to achieve them.

Providing an empathetic, non-judgmental and secure space, we'll collaborate to empower you in aligning with your values-based aspirations.

How does it work?

My coaching methodology involves three integral components:

Part 1: Establishing clear goals to serve as our guiding framework.

Part 2: Unpacking and understanding the obstacles hindering your progress.

Part 3: Employing the 4-step Change Process, you'll acquire essential tools and techniques to propel you towards your objectives.

I adhere to the two minds approach in my coaching philosophy. The "Rooted Mind" is the origin of our thoughts, feelings and urges. If you are reading this mindfully, you are tapping into your "Conscious Mind," the home of our values, kindness, logic and wisdom.

Through collaboration and the implementation of the 4-step Change Process, our aim is to empower the Conscious Mind. This involves making mindful choices based on our values, and grounded in self-compassion, rather than succumbing to the unhelpful stories of the Rooted Mind.

You will develop effective management strategies for the Rooted Mind, enabling you to lead a life in harmony with your values and pass your "Mirror Test." This means, at the end of the day, you can confidently affirm that your actions were in alignment with your values, avoiding being derailed by the influence of the Rooted Mind.

To find out more about my coaching process please listen to my podcast, On being good enough…